Adriane Rubio Roso


I joined the Department of Psychology in 2008 of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil (UFSM). I am Associate Professor (Full Time) and former Chair of the Doctoral and Master Program in Psychology. Also, professor in Gender Studies (Specialization) (UFSM). I was granted the fellowship of Research Productivity Scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil). I was CNPq Senior Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, in the Department of Social Psychology. I also developed postdoctoral studies in Communication (UFSM). I hold a Fulbright Visiting scholar at Columbia University and a certificate in Alcohol/Drug Counseling at University of California (UCLA). I am a leader of the VIDAS Social Clinic Psychology CNPq Group, member of the Social Representations Working Group of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP) (vice-coordinator 2015-2016 and 2023-) and member of the Gender Equality Committee of UFM. I maintain research partnership in the Program of Studies of Political Culture and Diversity and the Program of Equitity and Gender UNAM, Mexico. A social and clinical psychologist by training, my research focuses on power relations, gender and feminism, social minorities, racism, violence, Latina sexual/reproductive rights, effects of (cyber)media on subjectivity and social relations, group therapy and empowerment groups. From a critical perspective in Social Psychology, I dialogue especially with the Theory of Social Representations, Feminist Theories, Psychoanalysis and Theory of Medicalization. Visit our Blog at


Data da última alteração no lattes: 10/04/2024 12:04

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